8 Ways to Build Chest Muscles at Home Fast and Effective

8 Ways to Build Chest Muscles at Home Fast and Effective

Having chest muscles is a dream for many men. For most men, having a muscular body is a matter of pride.

The reason is, toned chest muscles are believed to help support appearance. Not surprisingly, many men do certain sports as a way to build chest muscles.

In addition to improving posture, training the muscles of the body can also increase the body’s metabolism. So it will keep you healthy and strong in old age.

Contracted muscles make the body more sensitive to the insulin hormone and increase the muscles’ ability to use glucose.

As a result, the body is assisted in burning blood sugar substances. This situation can ultimately protect against the risk of diabetes.

Apart from going to the gym, actually how to build chest muscles quickly can be done at home and it’s also easy to do.

If you are interested in trying it, here we have summarized for you 8 ways to quickly build chest muscles at home:

Push Ups and Weighted Push Ups

1. Push Ups

How to build chest muscles can be done by doing push ups regularly. Push ups are the right step to do as a way to build chest muscles. Besides being able to train the chest muscles, by doing this push up exercise it will form other muscle parts such as the arm muscles.

Push ups are a type of light exercise that is easy and common to do to strengthen your chest, arms and shoulder muscles. This exercise also uses no tools and can be done anywhere, including at home.

2. Weighted Push Up

Weighted Push Ups

The next way to build chest muscles is to do weighted push ups. This movement is a movement when you are in a push up position, and put a weight on your back.

This movement is one way to build chest muscles that is easy to do at home:
Steps on how to build chest muscles with weighted push ups:

  • Take a push-up position as usual,
  • Ask someone to put the weight on your back,
  • Lower your body to your chest until it almost touches the floor,
  • Hold for a moment then push the body back up,
  • Do this movement several times.

3. Plyometric Push Ups

The third way to build chest muscles at home is to do plyometric push ups. Basically, plyometric push ups have almost the same movement as push ups in general.

But what distinguishes these two types of exercise is that plyometric push ups add the urge to jump using your hands in each push up movement. This movement is very effective as a way to build chest muscles.

In addition, we will simultaneously train the arm muscles because the body weight also rests on the arms when doing a jumping push with the arms. In addition, this movement for how to build chest muscles is easy to do anywhere.

How to build chest muscles with plyometric push ups are:

  • Position the body as usual push ups.
  •  Push the body up with your hands.
  •  When the body is above, add a pushing motion like you are going to jump with your hands.

4. Rotation Push Up

Rotation push ups are the next way to build chest muscles. Rotation push ups also have the same basic movements as push ups and are an effective way of building chest muscles. What distinguishes rotation push-ups from push-ups in general is the movement of the hands up and down alternately right and left.

Steps on how to build chest muscles with rotation push ups:

  • Position the body like push ups.
  • Use the prefix from above with both hands straight.
  • Alternately bend the right and left hand while the other hand holds the weight of the body.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 times regularly.

Archer Push Ups and Pull Ups

5. Archer Push Ups

Archer push up is a push up movement by relying on the strength of one of your hands. This movement is an alternative way to build effective chest muscles. This exercise not only builds chest muscles, but can also develop triceps, abdominals and shoulders.

Steps on how to build chest muscles with archer push ups:

  • Assume the usual push position, but right arm extended straight out to the side.
  • Lower your body to your chest until it almost touches the floor, using your left hand to support your body’s weight
  • Push yourself back up, do this a few times.
  • After that, change the position of your hands to support the weight of the body.

6. Pull Ups

Pull ups are a popular way to build chest muscles. Although it sounds easy, to do. However, pull ups actually have a level of difficulty that is far above the previous exercise. The reason is, when pulling up the body’s weight will really rest on the upper muscles only, namely the chest muscles, arm muscles, back muscles, and shoulder muscles.

How to build chest muscles with pull ups:

  • Position yourself under the bar.
  • Grasp the bar that is above your body.
  • Slowly raise your body until your shoulders are parallel to the bar.
  • Hold for a moment then slowly lower your body.
  • Repeat 3 sets of 20 times regularly.

Chair Dips and Planks

7. Chair Dips

Chair dips are an exercise to build chest muscles that can be done at home. This exercise is done by using a chair or other media that can support the body’s weight while doing the Chair Dips exercise. This exercise is a variation of movement in the formation of chest muscles and arm muscles, so that the muscles that are formed have many parts that are formed evenly.

How to build chest muscles with chair dips are as follows:

  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a chair.
    Lift the body slowly land with your hands.
  • Bend your knees backwards and slowly lower your body.
  • Repeat 15 times and do 4 sets.

8. Planks

Plank is one way to build chest muscles that is easy and fast. This is because in doing a plank, the muscles around the chest will work extra so that the formation is even faster. Apart from not requiring any tools, planks can be done anywhere.


GynectrolApart from following this exercise pattern, you can use supplements from Crazy Bulk to treat breast problems. Gynectrol is a supplement from Crazy Bulk that is effective in dealing with Gynecomastia or Man Boobs problems.

Gynectrol is a natural formula in pill form that is perfect for helping you get rid of male breasts so you can appear confident with a flatter chest.

You just need to take 2 pills a day regularly, 30 minutes before starting to exercise, you can see the results in a few weeks. To see the results immediately, you can visit Crazy Bulk’s official website at www.crazybulk.com

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